International Days of Statistics and Economics
Conference Proceedings
September 8–10, 2022; Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
ISBN 978-80-87990-29-2
International scientific and programme committee |
Ing. Adam P. Balcerzak, Ph.D. Department of Economics Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń |
doc. Ing. Diana Bílková, Dr. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. Mgr. Ing. Martin Boďa, PhD. Department of Quantitative Methods and Information Systems Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics |
Dr Irena Descubes Rennes School of Business, France |
Robert Gal, Ph.D. Senior Research Fellow Hungarian Demographic Research Institute |
prof. Ing. Vladimír Gazda, PhD. Head of Department of Finance The Technical University of Košice , The Slovak Republic |
prof. Dr. Daiva Jurevičienė Head of Department of Economics Engineering Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania |
RNDr. Jan Kalina, Ph. D. Department of Machine Learning Institute of Computer Science of the CAS |
doc. Ing. Jitka Langhamrová, CSc. Head of Department of Demography Prague University of Economics and Business |
prof. Ing. Vanda Lieskovská, PhD. Department of Business and Commerce University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice, The Slovak Republic |
Ing. Tomáš Löster, Ph.D. Head of conference Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. RNDr. Ivana Malá, CSc. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
prof. RNDr. Luboš Marek, CSc. Head of Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. Ing. Silvia Megyesiová, PhD. Department of Quantitative Methods University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Business Economics with seat in Košice, The Slovak Republic |
prof. Ing. Ivan Nový, CSc. Dean of Faculty of Business Administration Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Pavelka, Ph.D. Head of conference Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Michał Bernard Pietrzak, Ph.D. Department of Econometrics and Statistics Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń |
prof. Ing. Hana Řezanková, CSc. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. David Říha, Ph.D., MBA Department of Marketing Prague University of Economics and Business |
prof. Marina Viktorovna Simonova Head of department of labor economy and HR Samara State University of Economics |
doc. Ing. Marianna Siničáková, PhD. Associate dean for external relations and development The Technical University of Košice , The Slovak Republic |
prof. Ing. Jindrich Soukup, CSc. Vice-Dean for International Relations, Faculty of Business Administration Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. Ing. Iveta Stankovičová, PhD. Department of Information Systems Comenius University in Bratislava, The Slovak Republic |
doc. Ing. Michal Šoltés, PhD. Dean of Faculty of Economics, The Technical University of Košice The Technical University of Košice , The Slovak Republic |
Dr. Pham Thi Minh Ly Dean of Business Administration Faculty Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam |
prof. Dr. Le Vinh Danh rector Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam |
prof. Ing. Emília Zimková, PhD. vice-dean for science and research Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Želinský, PhD. Department of Regional Science and Management The Technical University of Košice, The Slovak Republic |
Organizing committee |
doc. Ing. Diana Bílková, Dr. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Jakub Danko, PhD. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
Dr. Phan Dao Director of European Cooperation Center Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam |
Ing. Zuzana Džbánková, Ph.D. Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
RNDr. Jan Kalina, Ph. D. Institute of Computer Science of the CAS |
Ing. Eva Kaňková, Ph.D. Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Aleš Kubíček, Ph.D. Department of Strategy Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Tomáš Löster, Ph.D. – Section Statistics Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. PhDr. Libuše Macáková, CSc. Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. RNDr. Ivana Malá, CSc. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Marta Nečadová, Ph.D. Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc. Ing. Tomáš Pavelka, Ph.D. – Section Economics Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
Mgr. Elena Říhová, Ph.D. Skoda Auto University |
Ing. Jana Soukupová, CSc. Department of Managerial Economics Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Ondřej Šimpach, Ph.D. Department of Statistics and Probability Prague University of Economics and Business |
doc., Ing. Miroslav Špaček, Ph.D., MBA- Section Management Prague University of Economics and Business |
Ing. Jana Vrabcová Langhamrová Prague University of Economics and Business |