The 19th International Days of Statistics and Economics
September 4–5, 2025; Prague
Logo - The Faculty of Economics, Technical University of KošiceTon Duc Thang University

Editorial ethics

Editorial ethics for International Days of Statistics and Economics papers

One of our top priorities and responsibilities is to prevent any illegal or unethical practices. Plagiarism is not tolerated in any way. By sending a paper, the author confirms that it is their own original work. The following rules are binding for all parties who participate in the conference and are published in the Proceedings of the International Days of Statistics and Economics.

Organizers of the conference through the International Scientific Committee:

  • are responsible for the content and overall technical quality of the papers
  • reserve the right to accept or reject a paper in the review process, and, if succeeding in the review process, to decide on its publication
  • treat all information relating to sent papers as confidential
  • ensure the anonymity of reviewers and authors during the review process
  • prevent all potential conflicts of interest between authors and reviewers

 Authors of papers:

  • are responsible for following the instructions for authors and the formal requirements of the paper (see Instructions for authors and sample paper)
  • confirm that papers uploaded to the conference system have never been published or sent to any other review process
  • confirm that papers are their own original work
  • are responsible for the proper citation of (previously published) material and proper presentation of all data sources
  • are responsible for placing the authorship of all the co-authors who participated in the preparation and drafting of papers, and confirm that all co-authors are aware that papers have been submitted to the review process and agree with both the content and listing their names as co-authors
  • are required to immediately report any serious errors and inaccuracies contained in papers
  • are responsible for making final author corrections
  • are obliged to report any conflicts of interest

 Reviewers of papers:

  • are obliged to treat all information relating to sent papers as confidential
  • are obliged to report any similarities with other peer-reviewed papers or previously published works, which the reviewer knows
  • are responsible for an objective review of an anonymous sent papers and a justification for their views including clear arguments; reviewers should also propose additional literature and resources that were not included in the papers (see peer review form); they may only recommend positively reviewed papers for publications
  • are obliged to give  immediate notice if  the deadline for sending the review cannot be met so that it may be sent, if appropriate, to another paper reviewer
  • are obliged to report any conflicts of interest