The 19th International Days of Statistics and Economics
September 4–5, 2025; Prague
Logo - The Faculty of Economics, Technical University of KošiceTon Duc Thang University

Instructions for Authors


To upload an abstract, you must be registered. After login, you can upload an abstract. To register and log in, use the links on the right above. Abstracts must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the abstract.) To create an abstract, use the enclosed sample file (.doc example or .docx example.) Abstracts will be reviewed and a list of accepted abstracts and the abstracts themselves will be published on the conference website, and authors will be informed by e-mail.


You can submit your papers after login by navigating to the My Papers page. Papers must be submitted by the main author (first author listed on the title page of the paper.)

Please use the sample file for writing your paper (.doc file or .docx file.)

Please note that it is necessary to comply with these instructions:

  • The length of the article is 8 to 10 pages.
  • In the introduction, the current level of knowledge must be described. It is necessary to use relevant references, especially papers and texts from Web of Knowledge databses.
  • For writting formulas, please use the Equation Editor from Microsoft Word 2003 (you can use sample formula from the sample paper.)
  • All citations in the text and all references must follow APA style (American Psychological Association – more information Please, use automatic citation maker for citation and references: automatic APA citation maker.
  • Number pages.
  • Title of paper (in uploaded file) must STRICTLY correspond with title of paper, which is inserted in web system in "". In other case paper will not be published!

Previsously published papers and dual submission are not allowed. By submiting a paper, authors accept that paper will be published online and submitted to science dabases.

Each paper will go through a double-blind peer-review process. The result will either be acceptance without reservations, acceptance after correction in accordance with reviewers comments, or refusal of the paper. Each paper must be presented at the conference. Since we cannot guarantee a specific time for a presentation, attendees must be available to present at any time during the conference. Please ensure that these conditions can be met before registering for the conference. 

The collection of papers will be sent to Clarivate Analytics to be entered into Conference Proceedings Citation Index.