International Days of Statistics and Economics
Conference Proceedings
September 5–7, 2019; Prague
Prague, Czech Republic
ISBN 978-80-87990-18-6, DOI 10.18267/pr.2019.los.186.0
Welcome to the online proceedings of the international conference: The 13th International Days of Statistics and Economics.
The 13th International Days of Statistics and Economics was organized by:
The aim of the Conference was to present and discuss current problems of Statistics, Demography, Economics and Management and their mutual interconnection.
The key spekear during conference was Helena Horská, the Head of Ecomonic Research of the Raiffeisenbank, a.s., Czech Republic.
This conference proceedings contain contributions of the conference participants which were presented during both days of the conference. All these contributions have successfully passed the double-blind peer-review process.
The conference was organized with the financial support of the Faculty of Business Administration, University of Economics, Prague (project No. IGS 44/2019)
The conference was organized with the financial support of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics, Prague (project No. IGS 11/2019).